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"Scenic Roots" offers conversations that matter in the heart of Chattanooga and the Tennessee Valley.From the mountains to the river, our conversations are rooted deep within every corner of our community - reflecting who we are, who we were and who we can become.We engage with the news that affects our community, behind and beyond the headlines. We build bridges that span from creators and innovators to storytellers and the outdoors. We focus on our challenges as many communities in one - as we celebrate what inspires us. We resonate with countless voices - in words and spaces, sounds and songs.We are "Scenic Roots."Ray Bassett hosts and produces "Scenic Roots" at WUTC.

Chattamatters: The Lifespan Of Outdoor Public Art

“Moonrise” by Marc Fornes at the Wheland Foundry Trailhead on the Tennessee Riverwalk - the latest addition to Chattanooga’s outdoor public art collection.
Public Art Chattanooga
“Moonrise” by Marc Fornes at the Wheland Foundry Trailhead on the Tennessee Riverwalk - the latest addition to Chattanooga’s outdoor public art collection.

Chattanooga is home to nearly 200 pieces of outdoor public art.

The Ed Johnson Memorial in front of the Walnut St. Bridge, the big blue rhino in Coolidge Park and the Aquarium Plaza have become city icons.

But, they’re all exposed to the elements - and even the most beloved pieces reach the end of their lifespan.

What happens then?

William Newlin of Chattamatters explains the decisions behind adding - and removing - public art.


Chattamatters is the civic storytelling project at The Enterprise Center.

Visit chattamatters.com - and follow chattamatters on social media.

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