Charleston Tennessee is the home of the International Cowpea Festival and Cook-off beginning at 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 15th in Charleston Park. At one point Charleston TN was the Cowpea capitol of the USA; harvesting black-eyed peas, field peas, crowder peas, southern peas, silver and purple hull peas and cream peas. The harvest festival includes storytelling, music, professional and amateur cooking competitions, and a pageant to crown the Princess and the Cowpea. There is also an Agri-heritage photo contest with categories depicting agricultural life in the Ocoee region. The International Cowpea Festival is free but if you want to taste the creations in the professional cook-off there is a small charge for a tasting spoon. Bring blankets and lawn chairs to Charleston Park in Charleston Tennessee and celebrate the cowpea!
What's a cowpea?