Listen to the life stories of twelve Chattanooga residents, from their 70's to 98 years old, transformed into dramatic monologues - a production led by Dr. Peggy Douglas of the Gary W. Rollins College of Business and Dr. Anne Swedberg, theatre professor at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
There are historians within us all. The first-hand accounts in "Untold: Stories of a World War II Liberator" - written by Deborah Levine and directed by Dennis Parker - include the letters written by Deborah's father Aaron Levine, an Army Intelligence officer assigned to interrogate Nazi prisoners of war - and the memoirs of Polish Holocaust survivor, Leon Weisband.
“Southern Exposure” is a two-act theatrical and musical production inspired by life in Chattanooga during the 1950’s and 60’s.The live open shows for part…