Robbie Feinberg
Robbie grew up in New Hampshire, but has since written stories for radio stations from Washington, D.C., to a fishing village in Alaska. Robbie graduated from the University of Maryland and got his start in public radio at the Transom Story Workshop in Woods Hole,
Many school districts across the country have reported big downturns in attendance as they've shifted to remote learning. Some students have dropped off the map entirely.
Aroostook County has reported fewer than 40 COVID-19 cases since March. But even in an area with low infection rates, back to school looks a little different.
Maine has some of the lowest coronavirus infection rates in the country. And a few schools in rural districts have already opened their doors to in-person learning.
Since March, the U.S. has blocked nonessential travel along the U.S.-Canada border to limit the spread of COVID-19. But in northern Maine, the move cut off many longstanding social and economic ties.
Attorney and small-business owner Angela Okafor made history recently as the first immigrant and first person of color elected to the City Council in Bangor, Maine.
A partnership between members of the Passamaquoddy tribe and the Library of Congress to transcribe wax cylinder recordings from 1890 is bringing the tribe's language back to life.
Many African asylum-seekers have made their way to Portland, Maine. They are joining large communities of immigrants from the Congos, Angola and other countries who have settled there.
Allan Monga won Maine's Poetry Out Loud competition last month, but the NEA barred him from the national stage because of his immigration status. Now he's suing for his right to participate.
It was 15 years ago that Maine began the first, and still the only, statewide school laptop program. Experts worry that an attempt to bridge the digital divide might have widened it.