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Artist Benford Stellmacher, Jr. on “The Weight of My Faith.”

From “The Weight of My Faith.”
Benford Stellmacher, Jr
From “The Weight of My Faith.”

Benford Stellmacher, Jr. is an artist who views his canvas as a pulpit.

He’s a graduate of Hampton University in Virginia, home to the oldest museum of the African diaspora in this country - and today, he is based nearby in Newport News.

Stellmacher’s upcoming exhibition here in Chattanooga - “The Weight of My Faith” - features abstract paintings and figurative compositions, inspired by these words from Biblical Scripture: “Faith without works is dead.”

Benford Stellmacher, Jr.
Benford Stellmacher, Jr.

Later this week, the exhibition goes on display at ClearStory Arts for the month of September - with an opening reception, free for the public, on Friday starting at 6 PM.

Part of the proceeds from “The Weight of My Faith” will benefit the nonprofit SPLASH Youth Arts Workshop here in Chattanooga - and Hampton University Alumni’s Chattanooga Chapter.

“The Weight of My Faith” at ClearStory Arts banner.
ClearStory Arts

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