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World War I Revisited With Louis Varnell On Stage At CTC

Louis Varnell, in “WWI:  The Not-So-Great War.”
Chattanooga Theatre Centre
Louis Varnell, in “WWI: The Not-So-Great War.”

The upheavals and traumas of World War I - dubbed “The Great War” more than a century ago - reverberate in today’s geopolitical conflicts.

Louis Varnell is a military historian who will present a one-person show this month on that war - geared for students and open to the general public - at Chattanooga Theatre Centre.

“World War I: The Not-So-Great War” runs Wednesday, January 24th and Thursday, January 25th - at 9:45 AM and 11 AM - at CTC.

In the show, Louis examines the war’s causes, technological advances, life in the trenches - and the outcome of what was once promised to be “The War to End All Wars.”

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