We’ve been feeling the heat - and then some - this summer here in the Chattanooga area.
Many of us have flocked to our parks, outdoors and recreation to make the most of it.
During this season of intense temperatures, we’ve also seen a season of intense activity from the City and Hamilton County to build today’s footprint for our parks, outdoors and recreation - and envision the future.
Think of the City of Chattanooga’s quest to become the first National Park City in North America.
Another example: Evolving Our Riverfront Parks - unveiled last month by the City, the County, River City Company and Chattanooga Design Studio.
Last week, County Mayor Weston Wamp proposed funding for that project with a focus on local families.
Also on the County side, if you now visit Chester Frost Park on the banks of Chickamauga Lake, you’ll find waterfront yurts for rent - and a fishing pier named for George Wright.
I spoke last week with Matt Folz, director of Hamilton County Parks and Recreation.
For more, visit parks.hamiltontn.gov.
On Facebook, visit HamCoTNParks.