Chattanooga 2.0 is a city and county-wide initiative. Their goal is to improve opportunities and outcomes for all Chattanooga and Hamilton County students…
Educators have long known that 80% of our cognitive development occurs before we are 3 years old. But for most of us that is a startling wake-up call. For…
If Tennessee legislators say yes to everything Governor Bill Haslam touted Monday evening, you'll pay more while driving to the grocery store, but you'll…
You’re never too young to learn about jazz, and Steely Bruno (a trumpet player/composer whose real name is Antoine Williamson) introduces schoolchildren…
The Ensemble Theatre of Chattanooga's production Lunch Money is based on children's real experiences with bullying, and is intended to open a dialogue…
The ACE Mentor Program of Chattanooga, Southeast Tennessee and North Georgia connects high school students with architects, engineers and other…