“Beautiful Faces” is a new documentary that explores the extraordinary work of a surgeon here in Chattanooga through the journey of three of his patients and their families.
The surgeon is Dr. Larry Sargent, the founder and director of the Craniofacial Center at Children’s Hospital at Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga - and the founder of the Craniofacial Foundation of America, serving patients with facial deformities for nearly 35 years.
Dagan Beckett is the filmmaker behind “Beautiful Faces” - and a graduate of our campus, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
On Friday, November 3rd, the documentary will be screened for its Chattanooga premiere - starting at 7 PM in the Roland Hayes Concert Hall in the UTC Fine Arts Center - followed by a Q&A with Dagan, producer Irv Berner and people featured in the film.
I spoke with Dagan and Irv.