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ArtsBuild’s New Grants For Artists Living With Disabilities

ArtsBuild logo.

(Aired Thu 10/24/24)

ArtsBuild is the nonprofit that supports the arts here in Chattanooga and Hamilton County.

In the past few years, it has targeted its grants for local artists to break down barriers, make arts funding more equitable - and promote arts and culture by diverse artists who reflect all corners of our community.

The latest round of grants from ArtsBuild is for artists living with disabilities to activate a new project - with grants up to 10,000 dollars.

The application deadline is Wednesday, October 30th.

Melissa Astin is manager of grants and community engagement at ArtsBuild.

Keelah Jackson is a local artist, creative and educator here in Chattanooga who received a previous grant from ArtsBuild.

ArtsBuild’s Grants for Artists Living with Disabilities banner.

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Ray is the host and producer of Scenic Roots, Mondays - Thursdays at 3 PM on WUTC.
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