(Aired Weds 1/08/25)
The stories we live shape the stories we tell.
Kim Jackson believes - quote - “we are all born storytellers - and we each have the amazing opportunity to share our story and be a part of countless others’ stories.”
For Kim’s story, her chapters weave through growing up here in the South, living away from it - and then coming back.
As a classically trained actor, she has performed roles from Shakespeare to Tennessee Williams - a professional on stages from Atlanta to Los Angeles to Washington, DC.
Kim is one of the Wolf Trap teaching artists at the Arts-Based Collaborative here on our campus, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga: abc@utc.
We spoke with Kim Jackson for last fall’s series of conversations with the Wolf Trap teaching artists of abc@utc here on “Scenic Roots.”
Stay tuned for more conversations in the series in 2025.