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“The Baldwin Effect” Considered At The James Baldwin Festival Of Words

James Baldwin - in London, 1971.
Mark Gerson
National Portrait Gallery - London
James Baldwin - in London, 1971.

James Baldwin would have turned one hundred years old in August of next year.

The African-American author and activist - who died in 1987 - stirred public consciousness through his words, written and spoken, across the latter half of the last century.

If he were today, what would he say?

Search for his words online, and one thing’s for sure: he would have plenty to say.

For example, here he is from the 1970 film “Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris”:

"You can’t help but feel that there is something that you can do for me - that you can save me. And you don’t yet know that I have endured your ‘salvation’ for so long, I can’t afford it anymore. Not another moment of your salvation! And that I can save you. I know something about you. I know something about you. You don’t know anything about me. And that is where it really is.”

This weekend, the James Baldwin Festival of Words takes place - Friday through Sunday - here in Chattanooga.

For the end of day two at the festival, on Saturday starting at 4:30 PM, an interactive game show testing your Baldwin knowledge - followed by a panel discussion - will be held at the downtown Chattanooga Public Library.

Leading the panel discussion: Donivan Brown, executive director of the Horton-Keller Center for Traumatic Healing in East Chattanooga.

Donivan Brown
Horton-Keller Center for Traumatic Healing
Donivan Brown

Among the panelists: Dr. Chandra Ward, assistant professor of sociology on our campus, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

I spoke with both of them about “The Baldwin Effect.”

Dr. Chandra Ward
Dr. Chandra Ward

This weekend’s Baldwin Festival concludes with the Shades of Poetry Showcase - on Sunday, starting at 7 PM, at Chattanooga Theatre Centre.

Erika Roberts will be the poetic narrator for the showcase - and we’ll hear from her on our next episode of “Scenic Roots.”

More about the James Baldwin Festival of Words at blackartsandideasfest.com.

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