From a media release:The Blood Assurance donor center inside the Erlanger Baroness campus will be open on Friday, January 2, 2015 from 8:30 am until 5:00…
From a media release:Union General Hospital is the presenting sponsor for a FootGolf tournament that will be held this Thursday, September 18 at Old Union…
Blood Assurance has been providing a safe blood supply in Chattanooga and 47 other counties since 1973. Prior to that time, people in need of blood had to…
Blood Assurance particularly needs Type O negative blood, B negative, and platelet donors. In this segment, Bonnie Phillips from Blood Assurance speaks…
http://archive.org/download/BloodAssuranceTurns40/blood40.mp3Blood Assurance opened in the early 1970s by providing blood for four hospitals in…